
  • Services

  • Interior Painting
  • Plaster and woodwork repairs
  • Wallpaper Removal
  • Wallpaper Hanging
  • Colour Scheme Consultation
  • Tiling
  • Room Design Service

About us

Working around the Hempstead, Wigmore and Rainham area in Medway, Art are happy to assist you with any of your interior painting needs. Interior design trained means we can offer the best advice to suit both your taste in decoration and your home at a budget to suit you.


Latest Projects

See what Art Decorating Services did for these residence in the before and after shots below.


Off the Wall Stories

Teaching an Old Wall New Tricks

I know what you're thinking, I've been there 100 times before. You're thinking, There's just no way I can get this wall to look like it's a new and up to date again. But, don't worry, that's not the case at all! With these 5 simple steps, you too can have even your dreariest walls looking amazing in absolutely no time at all! 


Top Five Ways to Make You Walls Look Amazing

It's always the same time of year for me. For some reason Spring hits and I just have to redo my interior walls. To me, there's nothing more refreshing than having your walls be up-to-date with the most recent colour palettes. And here's some easy tips to do that. 


This is the most important part. Choose a colour scheme that will enhance your mood and suit the space you are decorating. It helps to choose a piece of art work, soft furnishings or a rug already in the room and use this to pick a colour from.

Collect plenty of paint charts and hold them up aginst the walls, floors, and existing soft furnishings.

Sample pots are a great way to avioid a costly colour disaster by having to repaint over your first choice. Look at the colour in daylight and at night to see how it can change at different times of the day.


Find a colour wheel example online and choose the opposite or complimentary colour to coinside with your chosen one, this is a good tip when using more than one colour. When using two light and dark colours , If you have dado rail or boarder in the middle of a wall its best to use the darker colour on the bottom and lighter on the top otherwise you will get a top heavy feel. Lighter shades will open up a room and darker shades will close it in. Long thin rooms are overcome by painting each end with a warm colour to square it up. Paint effects are an alternative you can try for an individual look.


Determine the amount of paint needed by calculating the width of all walls by the height of one and subtract for doors and window areas. Example: a 2.5 ltr can of paint will cover approximately 30 sq metres. Choose a finish. Matt will cover any imperfactions in the plaster better as it doesn't reflect light also quite modern at the moment, but not easy to keep clean and is not recommended for bathrooms and kitchens. Satin's slight sheen makes it perfect for cleaning. Gloss is perfect for trim and doors and easy to clean.


Masking off windows, skirting and architrave gives best results for clean tidy edges unless you have a very steady hand. Start from the top down, usually the ceiling first, then walls and work your way down leaving the skirting and trims last as to avoid splashes and spray from paint rollers.


Biggest mistake people make is to rush by putting too much paint on their brushes. Less paint and long, even, light strokes are best using thin coats. you may have to give the surfaces more than one coat but the finished effect is much better.    

  • Welcome!

Art is a small, up and coming independent decorators which offers a high quality, professional Service.

  • competitive prices
  • punctual and reliable
  • considerate to your home and needs
  • full liability insured
  • Free no obligation quotation
  • Female decorator